ponedjeljak, 10. veljače 2025.

Dental Chart - elektronički sustav za ordinacije dentalne medicine

Ovo je stranica jednog od projekata tvrtke Searching Excellence LLC pod nazivom: "Dental-Chart". Dental Chart omogućuje administraciju ordinacija dentalne medicine isključivo putem web-a uz maksimalnu sigurnost, pouzdanost i povjerljivost. Servis obuhvaća sve aspekte rada od evidencije kartona pacijenata, radova, računa, pa do knjigovodstva i izviješća o poslovanju.

Opširnije informacije o projektu možete saznati kontaktom na email: .

This is the webpage of a projects owned by Searching Excellence LLC named: "Dental Chart". Dental Chart enables administration of dental offices exclusively by using web browser and following highest security standards, reliability and confidentiality. The system integrates all aspects of business from medical and dental records to billing, accounting and business reporting.

More information about the project can be reached by sending an e-mail to .

Mihovil Strujic, DMD PhD
Searching Excellence LLC
